brace/.style = { decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=5pt} },
mbrace/.style = { decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=5pt, mirror} },
label/.style = { black, midway, scale=0.5, align=center },
toplabel/.style = { label, above=.5em, anchor=south },
leftlabel/.style = { label,rotate=-90,left=.5em,anchor=north },
bottomlabel/.style = { label, below=.5em, anchor=north },
force/.style = { rotate=-90,scale=0.4 },
round/.style = { rounded corners=2mm },
legend/.style = { right,scale=0.4 },
nosep/.style = { inner sep=0pt },
generation/.style = { anchor=base }
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1cm, y=1cm]
\path[fill=#1,blur shadow={shadow blur steps=5}] (0.1,0) -- (0.9,0)
arc (90:0:1mm) -- (1.0,-0.9) arc (0:-90:1mm) -- (0.1,-1.0)
arc (-90:-180:1mm) -- (0,-0.1) arc(180:90:1mm) -- cycle;
(0.6,0) --(0.7,0) -- (1.0,-0.3) -- (1.0,-0.4);}
\ifstrempty{#6}{}{\path[fill=green!50!black!50] (0.7,0) -- (0.9,0)
arc (90:0:1mm) -- (1.0,-0.3);}
\ifstrempty{#5}{}{\path[fill=orange!50!white] (1.0,-0.7) -- (1.0,-0.9)
arc (0:-90:1mm) -- (0.7,-1.0);}
\draw[\ifstrempty{#2}{dashed}{black}] (0.1,0) -- (0.9,0)
arc (90:0:1mm) -- (1.0,-0.9) arc (0:-90:1mm) -- (0.1,-1.0)
arc (-90:-180:1mm) -- (0,-0.1) arc(180:90:1mm) -- cycle;
\ifstrempty{#7}{}{\node at(0.825,-0.175) [rotate=-45,scale=0.2] {#7};}
\ifstrempty{#6}{}{\node at(0.9,-0.1) [nosep,scale=0.17] {#6};}
\ifstrempty{#5}{}{\node at(0.9,-0.9) [nosep,scale=0.2] {#5};}
\ifstrempty{#4}{}{\node at(0.1,-0.1) [nosep,anchor=west,scale=0.25]{#4};}
\ifstrempty{#3}{}{\node at(0.1,-0.85) [nosep,anchor=west,scale=0.3] {#3};}
\ifstrempty{#2}{}{\node at(0.1,-0.5) [nosep,anchor=west,scale=1.5] {#2};}
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.2cm, y=1.2cm]
\draw[round] (-0.5,0.5) rectangle (4.4,-1.5);
\draw[round] (-0.6,0.6) rectangle (5.0,-2.5);
\draw[round] (-0.7,0.7) rectangle (5.6,-3.5);
\node at(0, 0) {\particle[gray!20!white]
{$u$} {up} {$2.3$ MeV}{1/2}{$2/3$}{R/G/B}};
\node at(0,-1) {\particle[gray!20!white]
{$d$} {down} {$4.8$ MeV}{1/2}{$-1/3$}{R/G/B}};
\node at(0,-2) {\particle[gray!20!white]
{$e$} {electron} {$511$ keV}{1/2}{$-1$}{}};
\node at(0,-3) {\particle[gray!20!white]
{$\nu_e$} {$e$ neutrino} {$<2$ eV}{1/2}{}{}};
\node at(1, 0) {\particle
{$c$} {charm} {$1.28$ GeV}{1/2}{$2/3$}{R/G/B}};
\node at(1,-1) {\particle
{$s$} {strange} {$95$ MeV}{1/2}{$-1/3$}{R/G/B}};
\node at(1,-2) {\particle
{$\mu$} {muon} {$105.7$ MeV}{1/2}{$-1$}{}};
\node at(1,-3) {\particle
{$\nu_\mu$} {$\mu$ neutrino} {$<190$ keV}{1/2}{}{}};
\node at(2, 0) {\particle
{$t$} {top} {$173.2$ GeV}{1/2}{$2/3$}{R/G/B}};
\node at(2,-1) {\particle
{$b$} {bottom} {$4.7$ GeV}{1/2}{$-1/3$}{R/G/B}};
\node at(2,-2) {\particle
{$\tau$} {tau} {$1.777$ GeV}{1/2}{$-1$}{}};
\node at(2,-3) {\particle
{$\nu_\tau$} {$\tau$ neutrino} {$<18.2$ MeV}{1/2}{}{}};
\node at(3,-3) {\particle[orange!20!white]
{} {$80.4$ GeV}{1}{$\pm1$}{}};
\node at(4,-3) {\particle[orange!20!white]
{$Z$} {} {$91.2$ GeV}{1}{}{}};
\node at(3.5,-2) {\particle[green!50!black!20]
{$\gamma$} {photon} {}{1}{}{}};
\node at(3.5,-1) {\particle[purple!20!white]
{$g$} {gluon} {}{1}{}{color}};
\node at(5,0) {\particle[gray!50!white]
{$H$} {Higgs} {$125.1$ GeV}{0}{}{}};
\node at(6.1,-3) {\particle
{} {graviton} {}{}{}{}};
\node at(4.25,-0.5) [force] {strong nuclear force (color)};
\node at(4.85,-1.5) [force] {electromagnetic force (charge)};
\node at(5.45,-2.4) [force] {weak nuclear force (weak isospin)};
\node at(6.75,-2.5) [force] {gravitational force (mass)};
\draw [<-] (2.5,0.3) -- (2.7,0.3) node [legend] {charge};
\draw [<-] (2.5,0.15) -- (2.7,0.15) node [legend] {colors};
\draw [<-] (2.05,0.25) -- (2.3,0) -- (2.7,0) node [legend] {mass};
\draw [<-] (2.5,-0.3) -- (2.7,-0.3) node [legend] {spin};
\draw [mbrace] (-0.8,0.5) -- (-0.8,-1.5)
node[leftlabel] {6 quarks\\(+6 anti-quarks)};
\draw [mbrace] (-0.8,-1.5) -- (-0.8,-3.5)
node[leftlabel] {6 leptons\\(+6 anti-leptons)};
\draw [mbrace] (-0.5,-3.6) -- (2.5,-3.6)
{12 fermions\\(+12 anti-fermions)\\increasing mass $\to$};
\draw [mbrace] (2.5,-3.6) -- (5.5,-3.6)
node[bottomlabel] {5 bosons\\(+1 opposite charge $W$)};
\draw [brace] (-0.5,.8) -- (0.5,.8) node[toplabel] {standard matter};
\draw [brace] (0.5,.8) -- (2.5,.8) node[toplabel] {unstable matter};
\draw [brace] (2.5,.8) -- (4.5,.8) node[toplabel] {force carriers};
\draw [brace] (4.5,.8) -- (5.5,.8) node[toplabel] {Goldstone\\bosons};
\draw [brace] (5.5,.8) -- (7,.8) node[toplabel] {outside\\standard model};
\node at (0,1.2) [generation] {1\tiny st};
\node at (1,1.2) [generation] {2\tiny nd};
\node at (2,1.2) [generation] {3\tiny rd};
\node at (2.8,1.2) [generation] {\tiny generation};
This is obviously only an example of what can be done with LaTeX and the Tikz package, we are not going to learn how to do complicated stuff like the previous one.