A tree diagram consist of an element from wich 1 or more other elements are derived, these elements could also divide in 1 or many others until an element from wich nothing derives is reached. The following example represents a general tree diagram.

The element following the root are considered from left to right.
Every element of a tree can be considered as a root for a subtree, for example a0 in the last image can be considered as a root to the following tree:

The root must be inside square brackets that must also contain all elements that derive from it. To start let's make a tree with a root and three following elements.


The first option will align all leaves:
for tree={
if n children=0{

for tree={draw,circle,dotted,blue
if n children=0{

[Node,tikz={\node [draw,red,inner sep=0,fit to=tree]{};}...

To check that all these new concepts have been understood i would
like to invite the reader to try and replicate the following diagram using
for tree={draw,
if n children=0{
[$a_1$ ,tikz={\node [draw,circle,green,inner sep=0,fit to=tree]{};}