It's very easy to produce a simple title page with LaTeX: just calling \maketitle after setting up the following attributes will do the job
/title: Title of the page, inside it \thanks footnotes can be set. More about footnotes on the footnote section.
/author:Author of the page
/date: You can either use \today as argument or personalize your date
\author{Federico Lagrasta\\ \large{Università della Svizzera Italiana}}
\pagenumbering{gobble} %removes page numbering
\pagenumbering{arabic} %page numbering starts on the next page
Introduction to the examples
Outside of \maketitle (which at any rate outputs consistent but not so stellar results) there really is no fixed way to make a title page since you are completely free to format it the way you want. That being said a title page is still a page like another and, if you want a further degree of customization and are not so fluent in LaTeX, you can always put it together with an external software including it in your document via \includepdf{your_title.pdf} provided by the standard package pdfpages.
A few example will be provided as guidance and the methods employed to produce them, analyzed.
Some basic formatting notions will be required to understand the spacing in the next examples: you can find more about spacing in the formatting section.
Example 1
In this case we use \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} but using either article or report won't affect the look of the title. The [a4paper,12pt] option is respectively setting the margins of the page and the font size. For further information about classes please refer to the class section
The package graphicx is used to include images in our .pdf. The package tabularx is used provide a more flexible \tabular enviroment that, in the specific, takes care of overflow.
The title is inside a titlepage environment, this makes the title on a separate page and turns off the page numbering for that page.
The image is inline and NOT inside a figure enviroment because we don't want it to float. More about floats in the formatting section.
\raisebox{-\baselineskip}{\rule{\textwidth}{1px}} \rule{\textwidth}{1px} creates the double horizontal line: raisebox is reducing the distance between the two by \baselineskip
A tabularx enviroment is used to justify the names at the margins of the page since it allows to specify the whole widht of the table which, in this case, is exactly \textwidth. The second time a regular tabular is used. You can find more about table in the tables section.
\vfill simply fills the remaining vertical space of the page thus positioning the following text at the bottom margin of the page.
\includegraphics[width=3cm, keepaspectratio]{logo_usi.png} \par \vspace{0.1cm}
{\huge{{MAKING TITLES IN \LaTeX}}}\par \vspace{0.1cm}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X r}
Author: & Author:\\
supervised by & JULIEN PROKOFIEV
Example 2
The package geometry is used to eventually change the page size and margins. In this case the width of the page is left as is \geometry{textwidth=426pt} but it could be easily changed to a wider size. More about the geometry package in the dedicated section.
The package ragged2e is used for a better justification of text through the commands and enviroments \centering, flushleft, flushright.
The package mathtools (an extension of asmath) includes the command \widthof.
The package multicol is an efficent way to divide sections of the document in an arbitrary number of columns. We could aslo declare twocolumns as an optional argument of \documentclass but the package allows to define parts of pages on one column more easily.
The package titlesec allows to customize our section titles: \titleformat{\section}{\fontsize{11}{15}\bfseries}{\Roman{section}}{1.5em}{USI } sets the fontsize to 11pt and bold whilst the numbering to capitalized roman (\Roman) and distanced an additional 1.5em from the title of the section. "USI " is now added before every given section title.
The minipage environment is used to allign the logo with the title and information below. Remember to preceed the minipages with a \noindent instruction and put a % between them to remove the blank space otherwise they WILL overflow.
The width of the tabularx environment is set to \widthof{\large{MAKING TITLES IN \LaTeX}} to line up with the title.
The sections are inside multicols environment with two columns, the tiny fontsize is just to show how multiple section will look on the page: never use a font that small in an actual document.