This is a very simple example, {\LARGE in which this text is set on a pretty
large font size}, and {\textsc this one, instead, has a different font.}
This is a very simple example, {\LARGE in which this text is set on a pretty
large font size}, and {\footnotesize this one, instead, is set on a pretty
small one.}
You are going to see a very interesting thing now, how
\textsc{this sentence changed its style.}
This, instead, is another interesting point. Here, you are changing the absolute
(so not relative) word style. This means that you are changing the font style from this
sentence, to the end of the document.
You are going to see a very interesting thing now, how
\textsc{this sentence changed its style.}
This, instead, is another interesting point. Here, you are changing the absolute
(so not relative) word style. This means that you are changing the font style from this
sentence, to the end of the document.