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What is Todonotes?
The most important usage of Todonotes package is to create visual remainders about something that your're going to write or add (e.g. an image).

The basic command is \todo{something you are going to do} .
The \todo command has the following structure : \todo[options]{todo text} where {todo text} is what your are going to display, that is completely customizable by [options] parametres.
Available options
This is a list of important options to modify your \todo content:

  • The disable option can be given directly to the todo command. If given the command simply has no effect.

  • The color options is used to change the color of your remainder (unless other options are specified, this options will change text, background and line color).
  • You can manipulate line, background and border color using linecolor | backgroundcolor | bordercolor :

    \todo[linecolor=color,backgroundcolor=color,bordercolor=color]{This is my text}

  • The inline is an options used to set your note inline inside text. You can control it's width using inlinewidth options. By deafult it takes the text width:

  • \todo[inline]{Here's an inline to remember me something i'm going to modify here.}

  • The size option is used to modify the todo font size:

  • \todo[size=\large]{Here's a todo with large font size}
    \todo[size=\tiny]{Here's a todo with tiny font size}

  • The list | nolist are options used to include or not a specific todo inside a todolist. A todolist is declared using \todolist, and include all the todonotes declared below it. The default title "Todo list" can be modified using \todolist[your title name].

  • \todolist

    With all elements in page 1 set with nolist \todo[nolist,otherOptions]{This is my text}
    Missing figure
    The \missingfigure command inserts an image containing an attention sign and the given text. The command takes only one argument \missingfigure{text}a text string that could describe what the figure should consist of. An example of its usage could be:

    \missingfigure{insert dogs figure here}

    Missing figure options
    As \todo command also \missingfigure command can be modified with different options, and as \todo the options are in the form [key=value]:

  • The figheight | figwidth options are used to manipulate figure size.

  • \missingfigure[figheight=7cm]{insert dogs figure here}

  • The figcolor option sets the background color of inserted missing figures. The default color is black.

  • \missingfigure[figcolor=white]{insert dogs figure here}

    Define new commands with arbitrary default options
    If you do not like the default values of the standard todo command, it is possible to define a new command with personal functionality of \todo with custom default options.


    The new command can now be used like normal \todo command, with a default red color and !20 opacity.

    \myNewCommand{some text for the new todo}